刘秀梅 博士 讲师 1990年01月 ●学习工作经历 2018.7至今:betway必威网站,必威betway中文版,讲师 2009.9-2013.6 中国海洋大学生物技术专业本科,理学学士 2013.9-2018.6 中国海洋大学遗传学专业研究生,理学博士 ●主讲课程 本科生课程: 《普通生物学》和《海洋生物学》 ● 研究方向 海洋生物遗传学与基因组学研究: (1)鱼类免疫及性别分化相关基因研究 (2)贝类基因组学和功能基因研究 ● 教学、科研项目 主持betway必威网站博士启动基金1项,在研。 ● 主要论文、专著与专利 [1] Liu Xiumei#, Li Zan#, Wu Wenzhao, Liu Yuxiang, Liu Jinxiang, He Yan, Wang Xubo, Wang Zhigang, Qi Jie, Yu Haiyang, Zhang Quanqi*. (2017) Sequencing-based network analysis provides a core set of gene resource for understanding kidney immune response against Edwardsiella tarda infection in Japanese flounder. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 67: 643-654. [2] Liu Xiumei#, Li Zan#, Wang Bo, Zhu He, Liu Yuezhong, Qi Jie*, Zhang Quanqi. (2018) GATA4 is a transcriptional regulator of R-spondin1 in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Gene. 648: 68-75. [3] Li Zan#, Liu Xiumei #, Liu Jinxiang, Zhang Kai, Yu Haiyang, He Yan, Wang Xubo, Qi Jie, Wang Zhigang, Zhang Quanqi*. (2018) Transcriptome profiling based on protein–protein interaction networks provides a core set of genes for understanding blood immune response mechanisms against Edwardsiella tarda infection in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 78: 100-113. [4] Li Zan#, Liu Xiumei#, Sun Yan, Liu Jinxiang, Liu Yuezhong, Wang Mengxun, Zhang Quanqi, Wang Xubo*. (2017) Roles of GATA6 during Gonadal Development in Japanese Flounder: Gonadogenesis, Regulation of Gender-Related Genes, Estrogen Formation and Gonadal Function Maintenance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18 (1), 160. [5] Li Zan#, Liu Xiumei #, Cheng Jie, He Yan, Wang Xubo, Wang Zhigang, Qi Jie, Yu Haiyang, Zhang Quanqi*. (2018) Transcriptome profiling provides gene resources for understanding gill immune responses in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) challenged with Edwardsiella tarda. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 72: 593-603. [6] Cui Yutong, Guo Xiaoyu, Wang Shanshan, Xu Yanran, Sun Xiaoyue, Li Ruoran, Wang, Wang Yunhui, Qu Jiangyong*, Wang Xumin*, Liu Xiumei*. (2019) The complete mitochondrial genome and phylogenetic analysis of Ischnochiton hakodaensis (Carpenter, 1893). Mitochondrial and DNA Part B-Resources. 4 (2): 2619-2621. [7] Guo Xiaoyu, Cui Yutong, Wang Shanshan, Xu Yanran, Sun Xiaoyue, Li Ruoran, Wang, Wang Yunhui, Qu Jiangyong*, Wang Xumin*, Liu Xiumei*. (2019) The complete mitochondrial genome and phylogenetic analysis of Acanthochitona rubrolineatus (Lischke, 1873). Mitochondrial and DNA Part B-Resources. 4 (2): 2622-2624. [8] Li Zan, Fan Tingtin, Liu Xintian, Liu Xiumei, Wang Weijun, Wang Qianqian, You Lunhe, Wang Lei, Wei Xiumei, Yang Jianmin*. (2019) Characterization and Functional Study on Octopus ocellatus Interleukin-17. Journal of Ocean University of China. 18 (6): 1443-1450. ● 荣誉奖励 1. 第十二届山东省大学生科技节——2020山东省大学生生物学教学技能大赛,优秀指导教师 2. 第十二届山东省大学生科技节——山东省大学生生物实验技能大赛,优秀指导教师 ● 联系方式: 通信地址:山东省烟台市莱山区清泉路30号,必威betway中文版 邮编:264005 电邮:liuxiumei@ytu.edu.cn